jeudi 19 mars 2009

The rules of notre dame's school

- Pupils aren't allowed to speak during the lessons , but they are allowed to speak on the playground

- Girls are not allowed the extravagant make-up , but they are allowed the discreet make-up

- Pupils aren't allowed to speak vulgarly , but they are allowed to speak politely

- They aren't allowed to mobile phone , but they are allowed to phonecard.

- Pupils are not allowed to write small words on their diary, but they are allowed to write them homework

1 commentaire:

Miss STAS a dit…

Qu'est ce que c'est qu'un "small word"? Serait-ce un mot de 2 ou 3 lettres, c'est à dire un mot qui est petit, court?
Par ailleurs, et plus grave, tu as oublié une fois sur deux, l'essentiel du cours!!! De quoi est suivi "be allowed to"? Retourne voir tes phrases, tu comprendras.